
Seventh-day Adventist® Church


Thank you for being here with us today!
We pray that you will be drawn by Jesus’ love to come again.


February 15th Service:
Offering: Local Combined Budget
Platform: TBD
Deacon: TBD
Speaker: Kenny Campbell


Vespers scheduled for Sabbath afternoon, February 15th at 3:30 p.m.
Location: Tonasket SDA Church Fellowship Room


Tonasket SDA Church will be closed February 22!


February 21st (7pm) & 22nd (11am) — Tim Riesenberger MD, PHD will be speaking at the Omak SDA Church. Also speaking at 2:30 p.m. Ashely, his wife, will hold a concert at 4:30 p.m.


Donations for the Southern California fire response can be made through the North American Division Adventist Community Services website at: or to the Southern California Conference at:


Vespers is scheduled for Sabbath afternoon:
Date: February 15, 2025 at 3:30 p.m.
Location: Tonasket SDA Church Fellowship Room


UNFORGETTABLE - Dementia Prevention & Intervention.
AMEN NW Conference — keynote speaker Dr. Wes Youngberg
Date: March 7-9, 2025 at UCC building
More Info & to Register:


Balanced Health newsletter is on-line:


Building Supplies Needed for Sheridan Meadows Camp’s — To contribute make checks out to Sheridan Meadows. And mail directly to Sheridan Meadows Treasurer (Ken Parr, PO Box 82, Addy WA 99101) or donate electronically at donate. Note credit card payments may reduce the amount the camp actually receives.


“Biblical devastation” in the Southeast, where all levels of response agencies were overwhelmed. This is where locally trained individuals can bring much needed support whatever type of disaster. On December 10-12 a FREE Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training will be taught by the Washington state head of CERT, Celso Rangel, at the Community Cultural Center in Tonasket, WA. To register contact Celso Rangel <>. A CERT Backpack is required.


Funds Needed for Tonasket Church Project — The church buildings need repainting before the snow comes. $6,000 is need to complete this project. Please mark your gift envelope as Capital Improvement.


Donations Needed for ACS Hurricane/Floods/Landslides Response The quickest way to get donations to where it is needed is to choose Disaster Response at Or use the Tithe and Offering envelope and mark it for ACS Disaster Response.


Sheridan Meadows Campmeeting — Announcing the link for the 2024 camp meeting sermons.


Volunteers Needed — to help organize the church library.
Please contact Joy at (206)948-8708 if you are able to help.


News from the Bulletin Secretary

  • All leaders please turn in your information before 10 a.m. on Thursday.
  • Updates or changes, please share with the bulletin secretary at latest 3 hours before Sabbath begins.
  • email address:



Bulletin Information — Deadline is Thursday morning, 10:00 a.m.