
Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Devotional - Judas

EGW - Ms 28, 1897 - Judas

NP-April 22, 1897

Portions of this manuscript are published in SD 300; 5BC 1101; 2MCP 598; 4MR 359-360; CTr 252; RH 10/05/1897, 10/12/1897. +Note

The history of Judas presents before us the sad ending to the life of a man who might have been honored of God. By co-operating with Christ, not mechanically, but with heart and soul, Judas might have obtained victory after victory. He was trusted by his fellow disciples, and by his Master he was entrusted with a special work for the church. Apparently Judas was an honor to the cause, and as such he always represented himself. {Ms28-1897.}

Christ’s last journey to Jerusalem, whither he went with his disciples to attend the passover feast, was a fatal one for Judas. Not that it needed to be thus, but he himself made it so by his own course of action. The dissensions which frequently arose among the disciples as to which of them should be greatest were generally created by Judas. On this occasion this spirit led to the request of James and John that one might sit at the right hand of Christ, and the other on his left, in his kingdom. That request would never have been made if, in placing the different disciples on their position, James and John had been assigned the lowest place. Those who held that they were nearest to their Lord in position, Christ declared, were not of special consequence. {Ms28-1897.}

Those who would bring Christ into the heart as an abiding presence would not selfishly seek the highest position in personal relation to Him. Those who, in the spirit and love of Jesus, will become one with Him, will be in close fellowship one with another, bound up by the silken cords of love. Then the ties of human brotherhood would not be always in the strain, ready at any provocation to snap asunder. {Ms28-1897.}

“All ye are brethren” will be the sentiment of every child of faith. [Matthew 23:8.] When the followers of Christ are one with Him, there will be no first and last, no less respected or less important ones. A blessed, brotherly fellowship one with another will bind all who truly receive the Lord Jesus Christ in a firm loyalty that cannot be broken. All will be equally one with Christ. {Ms28-1897.}

When Judas betrayed his Master, he did not expect that Christ would allow Himself to be taken. How often he had seen the scribes and Pharisees, as Jesus taught them the truth in parables, carried away with the striking figures presented. When questions were given for their decision, they had pronounced judgment against themselves, condemning the course they themselves were pursuing. How often when Christ had made the application of the Word to their own hearts, and showed they were the ones He was illustrating before the people, the plain truth, sent home, enraged them and in their mortification and madness they had taken up stones to cast at the world’s Redeemer! Again and again He would have been killed had it not been for the heavenly angels who attended Him and guarded His life until the time when the case of the Jews as a nation should be decided. This human life must be kept by the power of God until His day of work was ended. {Ms28-1897.}

But Judas did not reason in accordance with the purpose of God. If Christ could escape so many snares set to destroy Him, he thought, He certainly would not allow Himself to be taken by the Pharisees and Sadducees. He, Judas, would act his part in selling his Lord and obtain his reward, while the people would be cheated out of their money. Even to the end of his companionship with the disciples Judas was not suspected by them of the evil purpose in his heart. The Lord Jesus know the character of Judas. {Ms28-1897.}

When Judas united with the twelve, he had a desire to be with the man whose teaching he knew to be superior to anything he had ever heard, although it was condemnatory of all dishonest pretense, hypocrisy, and avarice. There came to him a desire to be changed in spirit and inclination, and he hoped to experience this by connecting himself with Jesus Christ. Yes; in the companionship of Jesus. Judas would have found continual strength and aid; he might have co-operated with Christ in overcoming temptation rather than yielding to the suggestions of Satan. Judas had listened to the parables illustrating the gospel of the kingdom of God, and in its every phase he had assented to it. But he did not practice that which was contrary to his own inclinations; therefore his strong, avaricious spirit was not corrected. {Ms28-1897.}

Judas looked upon several of the disciples as very deficient. They would not see their opportunities, and take advantage of circumstances. The church would never prosper with such short sighted men. Peter was so impetuous; he would move without consideration. John, who was gathering the power of the truths that fell from the lips of Christ, and bringing them into the sanctuary of the soul, was looked upon by Judas as a poor financier, one who could not keep the church free from financial embarrassment. Matthew, who had had an education which qualified him for accuracy in all his undertakings, was very definite and particular in regard to honesty. He was ever contemplating the words of Christ, and became so absorbed in them that he could not be trusted to do sharp, far-seeing business. Thus Judas summed up all the disciples, and flattered himself that the church would often be brought into perplexity and embarrassment if it were not for his managing ability. Judas thought himself the capable one, who would not allow himself to be cheated in a bargain. {Ms28-1897.}

The love of money in the heart of Judas was growing with the exercise of his shrewd abilities. His practical financiering ability, if exercised and enlightened and molded by the Holy Spirit, would have been of great service to the little church, and by the sanctification of his spirit he would have had a clear insight, a correct discernment, to appreciate heavenly things. But worldly policy plans were constantly cherished by Judas. There was no outbreaking sin on his part, but his sharp scheming, the selfish, parsimonious spirit that took possession of him, finally led him to sell his Lord for a small sum of money. {Ms28-1897.}

He might have obtained a larger sum; but Satan had impressed upon his mind that Christ, who had so often defeated the purposes of the scribes and Pharisees, would not suffer himself to be taken. So he was willing to put the matter to the test, and bring the crisis. If He really were the Son of God, the Messiah, the people for whom He had done so much in relieving them from the oppressive power of Satan would rally and come to His assistance. Then he, Judas, would have the credit of having caused Him to be crowned king on David’s throne. This would forever settle many minds that were now in such uncertainty. And this act would place him as first, next to Christ, in the new kingdom. {Ms28-1897.}

Judas had not been satisfied with the turn affairs had taken on the occasion of the feeding of the five thousand. It was he who had set on foot the project to take Christ by force and make Him king. But Christ, with greater authority than He was in the custom of exercising, had rebuked this step. This had provoked Judas, and he became more and more separated in his feeling and love for Jesus. {Ms28-1897.}

At his first connection with Christ, Judas had manifested a spirit subordinate to his Master. He loved the great Teacher. He understood the Scriptures, and at times seemed to have large discernment to take in the meaning of the Word of God. He could present the words of the Old Testament Scriptures in an acceptable manner. He had listened to the words of Christ; he had keen perceptive powers, a retentive memory, and was able to communicate that Word to others. If Judas had been a doer of the Word, he would have had the grace and powers of Christ to apply that Word to his own soul. Possessing appropriating faith, he would, under the influence of light, have appreciated the presence of the Spirit, would have consecrated his heart, and would have received the seal of oneness with Christ. But Judas stopped short of this. He held the first place in the church without any question as to its propriety, and after a time began gradually to bring in his own natural traits of character. {Ms28-1897.}

There are two kinds of experience—the outside showing and the inward working. The divine and human were at work in the character of Judas. Satan was working the human, Christ the divine. The Lord Jesus longed to see Judas rise to his appointed privileges. But the human side of Judas’ character was confused with his religious sentiments, and treated by him as essential attributes. By taking this view of things, he left an open door for Satan to enter and take possession of the entire man. If Judas had practiced the lessons of Christ, he would have surrendered to Christ; he would have consecrated his heart fully to God; but his confused experience was misleading him. {Ms28-1897.}

When with the disciples, he introduced controversies, doubts, and misleading sentiments, repeating the objections that the Scribes and Pharisees urged when questioning the claims of Christ, as though they were difficult to answer. He began this work at first in order to develop his reasoning powers, but the more he gave expression to the unbelieving remarks made, the more he turned them over in his mind, the more doubt and unbelief came in. {Ms28-1897.}

God gives grace, and He expects all to use it. He supplies the power if the human mind feels any need or any disposition to receive that power. He never asks us to do anything without supplying the grace and power to do that very thing. All the Lord’s blessings are enablings to perform. {Ms28-1897.}

All the little and large trouble and crosses, the difficulties and hindrances to the advancement of the gospel, Judas interpreted as being an evidence against its truthfulness. He would introduce texts of Scripture that had no connection with the themes of truth that Jesus was seeking to impress upon the minds and hearts of the disciples. And these texts, separated from their connection and placed where they had no appropriate bearing or force, confused their minds and increased the discouragements that were constantly pressing in with the suggestions of the scribes and Pharisees. The sayings of the Pharisees also were so used by him to encourage unbelief and lessen the force of truth upon the minds of the disciples, that Christ declared of him that he had a devil. [John 6:70.] Yet all this was done in such a way as to leave the impression he was conscientiously righteous, that while the disciples were searching for evidence to confirm the words of the great Teacher, Judas would lead them almost imperceptibly on another track. {Ms28-1897.}

Jesus saw that the mind of Judas was open to the questions and doubts and unbelief which had more or less influence on the other disciples, and that in this work Satan was communicating his attributes to Judas, and opening up a direct channel through which to work. The disciples did not understand the working of the enemy. In a very religious and apparently wise way, he was presenting matters in a different light to what Jesus had given them, and attaching to his words a meaning which He never intended to convey. {Ms28-1897.}

If all could understand the deep trials and discouragements that came to the human nature of Christ in His mission and work, very verily human hearts would draw nigh to the human heart of Jesus. In the disciples their old nature would often appear, but Jesus was ever presenting before them that the natural powers of the human heart, which were striving for the mastery, must be given up, emptied from the soul, that He might implant a new nature, a new principle, therein. It is essential to live by every Word of God else the old nature will reassert itself. It is the Holy Spirit applied to His followers, the redeeming grace of truth in the soul, that makes his disciples one with each other, and one with God. He alone can expel enmity, envy, and unbelief from the heart, He sanctifies the entire affections. He restores the willing, desirous soul from the power of Satan unto God. {Ms28-1897.}

This is the power of grace. It is a divine power. Under its influence a change from the old formed habits, customs, and practices is wrought in the human agent, which cherished, separate the heart from God, and the work of sanctification cannot go on in the soul, constantly progressing and enlarging. When unbelief and envy are allowed even utterance, they become agents to expel calm, living, trusting, faith. {Ms28-1897.}

The eye of faith must see and increase by exercise. All who live near to God will have a realization of what Jesus is to them and they to Jesus. As communion with God is making its impress upon the inward soul temple, shining out in his countenance as an illuminating light, the steadfast principles of Christ’s holy character will be reflected in humanity. Judas had the privilege of being conformed to the image of Christ’s character. This regeneration, this new birth, would have come to him through a vital connection with Christ. His abiding presence would have been to him a daily renewal of consecration and progressive sanctification of the entire man. Satan is our destroyer, but Christ is our restorer. Streams of grace from the treasure house of God’s love is our source of supply for spiritual life. {Ms28-1897.}

The great hereditary and cultivated tendency to evil with Judas was covetousness. And by practice this became a habit which he carried into all his trading. Christlike principles of uprightness and justice had no room in selling and buying. His economical habits developed into a parsimonious spirit, and became a fatal snare. Gain was his measurement of a correct religious experience, and all true righteousness became subordinate to this. While he continued a disciple in outward form, while in the very personal presence of Christ, he appropriated to himself means that belonged to the Lord’s treasury. {Ms28-1897.}

“Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, there came unto him a woman have an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head as he sat at meat. But when his disciples saw it, the had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. When Jesus understood it he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon men. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.” [Matthew 26:6-13.] {Ms28-1897.}

“But when the disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste?” [Verse 8.] Judas was the one who first made this suggestion, and others were ready to voice his words. But was it waste? Mary had been long reserving this box of ointment. Lazarus, her brother, had been called forth from the grave and restored to his family by the words and power of the Saviour, and Mary’s heart was filled with gratitude. {Ms28-1897.}

Taking in her hands the box of precious ointment, she quietly opened it. Her action would probably have passed unnoticed had not the ointment made its presence known by its rich, sweet fragrance. Then Mary poured its contents upon the head and feet of the Master. In this act she expressed her deep gratitude to Jesus for all that He had done for them as a family. {Ms28-1897.}

This incident is full of instruction. Jesus, the world’s Redeemer, is drawing close to the time when He will give His life for a sinful world. Yet how little did even His disciples realize what they were about to lose. Mary could not reason upon this subject. Her heart was filled with pure, holy love. The sentiment of her heart was, “What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me?” [Psalm 116:12.] This ointment, costly as it was estimated by the disciples, was but a poor expression of her love for her Master. But Christ could appreciate the gift as an expression of her love, and Mary’s heart was filled with perfect peace and happiness. {Ms28-1897.}

Christ delights in the earnest desire of Mary to do the will of her Lord. He accepts the wealth of pure affection which his disciples did not, could not, understand. He knew that if His disciples were under the influence of the heavenly angels that accompanied Him, they too would be inspired with a zeal in true devotion and entire consecration to the mind and will of God. They would consider no offering of sufficient value to declare the heart’s spiritual affection. He had been everything to them, and they did not realize that soon they would be deprived of His presence, and could offer Him no token of their great love. Mary’s ointment was the gift of love, and this gave it its value in the eyes of Christ. {Ms28-1897.}

Led by Judas, the disciples continued, “This ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor.” [Matthew 26:9.] Here is a saying expressive of narrow minds. By their words the disciples showed that they begrudged Christ the gift; they would have given its value to the poor. {Ms28-1897.}

Jesus saw Mary shrink away abashed, expecting to hear reproof from the One she loved and worshiped. But instead of this she hears words of commendation. “Why trouble ye the woman?” He said, “For she hath wrought a good work upon me. For ye have the poor always with you, but me ye have not always. For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily, I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.” [Verses 10-13.] No other anointing would Jesus receive, for the Sabbath was nigh at hand, and they kept the Sabbath according to the commandment. When the three Marys came early on the morning of the first day of the week with sweet spices to anoint the body of Jesus, they found the tomb empty. {Ms28-1897.}

It was not at all pleasant to Judas to be reproved, and he was greatly angered. He went out to consider how he could gain money by selling himself to do a most terrible deed. For a far less sum than that box of ointment cost, Judas betrayed his Lord. {Ms28-1897.}

O, if we could only realize that in every congregation there may be souls who are being called upon for the last time by counsel and reproof to repent; who, like the Jewish nation, have advanced step by step almost imperceptibly in resistance of the Spirit of God, until spiritual blindness has taken the place of the light they once enjoyed. Under a spirit of unbelief, envy, and criticism, the evidences they have had are no longer evidence, but a matter of questioning and doubt. Trust is misunderstood, and perverted to mean error. Evidence might be piled upon evidence, but Satan is close at their side that the word spoken shall be misapplied and perverted, and become a matter of suspicion and distrust. How careful then should every person be that they shall not do despite to the spirit of grace. “Take heed how ye hear.” [Luke 8:18.] Take heed how ye read. {Ms28-1897.}

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” [Romans 1:28-32.] {Ms28-1897.}

Those who resist the Holy Spirit of God, and provoke Him to depart, know not to what lengths Satan will lead them. “O, that thou hadst known, even thou, in this thy day, the things that belong unto thy peace.” Shall the words of Christ be irrevocably spoken, “But now they are hid from thine eyes”? [Luke 19:42.] When the Holy Spirit departs from the human agents, they will unperceptively do those things which they once viewed in a correct light to be decidedly sin. They will follow step by step in the footsteps of Satan. Who then can strive with them to any purpose? Will the minister plead for them and with them? All their words are as idle tales. These souls have Satan as their chosen companion close beside them to misconstrue the word spoken, and bring it to their understanding in a perverted light. {Ms28-1897.}

They are misinterpreted by them, for when the Spirit of God is grieved away, every appeal made through the Lord’s servants is meaningless to them. They will misconstrue every word. They will laugh and turn into ridicule the most solemn words of Scripture, warnings which, if they were not bewitched by satanic agencies, would make them tremble. Every appeal made to those who are in need of help is in vain. They will not hear a word of reproof or counsel. They despise all the entreaties of the Spirit, and disobey the commandments of God which they have once vindicated and exalted. Well may the words of the apostle come home to such souls, “Who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth?” [Galatians 3:1.] They have followed the counsel of their own hearts until truth is no more truth to them. Barabbas is chosen, Christ rejected. {Ms28-1897.}

“As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it also be in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded. But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man shall be revealed.” [Luke 17:26-30.] {Ms28-1897.}

Those who have caught the inspiration of that love, which will exist in every heart in the family of the redeemed host, will enter into the joys of their Lord. The spirit of peace and heavenly joy fills the hearts of those who can appreciate the heavenly gift. Christ, the world’s Redeemer, although unseen, fills some human hearts with love. They, by faith, are one with Christ, and their hearts are drawn out to Him as was the heart of Mary. They eat His flesh; they drink His blood. They live in Christ, and Christ lives in them. Nothing is too costly to give Him; no self-denial or self-sacrifice too severe to be endured for His sake. Jesus is loved supremely. {Ms28-1897.}

The desire that Mary had to do this service for her Lord was of more value to Christ than all the spikenard and precious ointment in the world, because it expressed her appreciation of the world’s Redeemer. It was the love of Christ that constrained her. The matchless excellency of the beauty of the character of Christ filled her mind and heart. {Ms28-1897.}
The commendation of Christ after the condemnation of the disciples was inexpressibly valuable to Mary. She adored Him as her Redeemer. Judas and the disciples wanted to withhold this expensive favor from Christ, calculating the money value of the gift under pretense of helping the poor. {Ms28-1897.}

Mary, by the Holy Spirit’s power, saw in Jesus One who had come to seek and to save the souls that were ready to perish. Every one of the disciples should have been inspired with a similar devotion. Their after knowledge gave them a true sense of the many things they might have done for Jesus expressive of the love and gratitude of their hearts, while they were near Him, and enjoyed His counsel; while they beheld His love for poor and suffering humanity. They felt the reproof keenly as they took from the cross the bruised body of their Lord. {Ms28-1897.}

When Jesus was no longer with them they felt indeed as sheep without a shepherd. And there were many things that they began to see and understand. They might have shown Him favor on many occasions. They could see now where they could have offered attentions that would have been expressive of their love. They no longer reflected upon Mary’s act but upon themselves. O, if they could have taken it all back, this censuring, this presenting the poor as more worthy of the gift than Christ! {Ms28-1897.}

Those who should have been first in these offices of love were last. And Mary, who was considered the least, was first. The all pervading love of Jesus Christ in the hearts of His disciples should have been expressed by His followers in visible actions, showing that they recognized His supremacy, and that all might witness that they knew him to be worthy of the highest homage. The world can only judge of our knowledge and love of Jesus by the outward expression, the external testimony. {Ms28-1897.}

The disciples did not take in the many lessons given in the Scriptures in regard to the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. And the work of Mary was just the lesson that they needed to show them that if they were more demonstrative in their appreciation of their Lord, it would have been wholly acceptable. Christ’s human nature was often grieved because of that which He should have received from His disciples, but which they did not give Him. This was a sorrow to Christ. He knew they needed a stronger faith in Him as the world’s Redeemer to enable them to withstand the temptations of satanic agencies. Actions of love mean much. The loneliness of Christ, separated from the heavenly courts and living a life of humanity, was never understood by the disciples as it should have been. {Ms28-1897.}

And the very same want is evident in our world today. But few appreciate all that Christ is to them. If they did, the great and beautiful love of Mary would be expressed <to His representatives, chosen of God,> the anointing would be freely bestowed. The expensive ointment would not be called a waste. Jesus approved of this waste as a testimonial of Mary’s love for her Master, who was constantly working in the behalf of others, doing good to the poor, and speaking words of comfort to the oppressed. {Ms28-1897.}

Christ announced His mission in Galilee. This mission He had presented to the prophet Isaiah, the substance of which is repeated in Luke 4:16-19. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, the preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” [Verses 18, 19.] {Ms28-1897.}

The entire life of Christ had been one of self-denial and self-sacrifice. The words, spoken in indignation, “To what purpose is this waste” [Matthew 26:8], brought vividly to His mind the greatest sacrifice ever made, the one that could not be surpassed, in giving Himself to be the propitiation for a lost world. Christ took it all in. If left to be judged from a human standpoint, such a sacrifice was a most extravagant one, a wanton waste. {Ms28-1897.}

There are gifts that we rightly proportion to the character and necessities of the ones upon whom we bestow them. Not many of the poor would appreciate Mary’s offering, <or our Lord’s sacrifice of Himself,> which gift was the highest that could be given. That ointment was a symbol of the overflowing heart of the giver. It was an outward demonstration of a love fed by heavenly streams until it overflowed. And that ointment of Mary, which the disciples called waste, is repeating itself a thousand times in the susceptible hearts of others. {Ms28-1897.}

The Lord God is profuse in His gifts to our world. The question may be asked, Why does the Lord show such waste, such extravagance in the multitude of His gifts that cannot be enumerated? The Lord would be so bountiful toward His human family that it cannot be said of Him that He could do more. When he gave Jesus to our world, He gave all heaven. His love is without a parallel. It did not stop short of anything. And having given us His only begotten Son, shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? {Ms28-1897.}

Well may the heavenly host be filled with amazement as they look upon the human family who <cling to their old rags of self-righteousness and> refuse to be uplifted and enriched with the boundless love expressed in Christ, <as He presents to them the white linen which is the righteousness of His character, and> as they behold how few accept the great gift of life, eternal life. Men cling to the earth with all their powers as if fearful that they shall become inhabitants of heaven. They do everything that will <show they choose Barabbas and> discourage Christ and the Father. Their wicked spirit leads them to do everything contrary to that which the Lord desires them to do. He has given them every facility, every advantage, that they may do the works of God, but it is at an immense sacrifice. The heavenly universe exclaims, “Why cast ye your pearls before swine? Why is this great waste, <my Lord>?” [See Matthew 7:6.] The Lord sees the human agents who belong to Him by creation and by redemption, and if they will fulfil the conditions which they Lord has covenanted with them, they shall have life and immortality in the kingdom of God. {Ms28-1897.}

Self-denial and whole-hearted sacrifice meets us every where. To human reasoning the whole plan of salvation is a waste of mercies and resources. They are provided to accomplish the restoration of the moral image of God in man. The atonement is abundantly able to secure to all who will receive it, mansions in heaven. The supposed prodigality of Mary is an illustration of the methods of God in the plan of salvation; for nature and grace, related to each other, manifest the ennobling fullness of the Source from which they flow. {Ms28-1897.}

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